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Usage: S3 Upload

  • Note: Read “General Usage” first to get your API keys setup correctly *

Purpose of this tool

To perform a series of transforms on a local directory, and then upload it to an S3 bucket


Parameter Description Required Default
doNotUpload If true, files are processed but not sent to S3 no false
source The file/folder to upload yes
s3Bucket The s3 bucket to upload to yes
s3Prefix Prefix to prepend on all uploaded files no
endpoint Force override of S3 endpoint (typically for different regions) no
recursive If a directory, recursively upload subdirectories no false
deleteNonMatch If true, any files in the S3 bucket not matching a local file are deleted (skips backup directory) no false
deltaMethod Checks whether the remote file is already the same and if so, doesnt upload. Options are MD5, DATE, NONE no MD5
backupCurrent If true, the current contents of the S3 bucket are backed up prior to upload no true
backupPrefix A folder of the format backupPrefix-yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss will be created to contain the backup no __seedybackup
objectMetadataSettings List of objectMetadataSettings definitions no
htmlResourceBatching List of htmlResourceBatching definitions no
fileCompression A single file compression definition no
cssCompilation A single css compilation definition no
babelCompilation A single babel compilation definition no
javascriptCompilation A single javascript compilation definition no
validators A list of validation setting definitions no
exclusions A list of exclusion definitions no
processIncludes A list of process includes definitions no
replacement A single replacement definition no
md5 A single md5 definition no Regext matches everything by default
htmlCompression A single html compression definition no
renameMappings A list of rename mapping definitions no



Used to set object metadata on upload files

Sample xml <objectMetadataSettings> <objectMetadataSetting> <includeRegex>.*</includeRegex> <cacheControl>max-age=30</cacheControl> <contentType>text/html; charset=utf-8</contentType> <contentDisposition>attachment</contentType> <contentEncoding>gzip</contentType> <userMetaData> <uploadTime>${}</uploadTime> </userMetaData> </objectMetadataSetting> </objectMetadataSettings>


Performs 2 actions - first, it finds a set of files that match the criteria, and combines them all into a single file. Secondly, it parses all the html files in the folder, and if it finds a special comment flag pair, it replaces whats between them with a pointer to the new file. Used to combine large quantities of JS or CSS files into a single download

Sample xml <htmlResourceBatchings> <htmlResourceBatching> <flagName>INDEXSIGBUNDLE</flagName> <includeRegex>.*/js/index-sig-bundle/.*\.js</includeRegex> <replaceInHtmlRegex>.*\.html</replaceInHtmlRegex> <wrapper>JAVASCRIPT</wrapper> <outputFileName>js/index-sig-bundle.js</outputFileName> <replaceText>/js/index-sig-bundle.js</replaceText> <deleteSource>false</deleteSource> </htmlResourceBatching> </htmlResourceBatching>

Example HTML replacement

<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/bootbox.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/form2js.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/form-validation.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/gmap-helper.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/id-number-support.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/jquery.blockUI.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/test-harness.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="/js/index-sig-bundle/custom.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

Define the set of files that should have GZIP compression applied to them (note, automatically sets the content-encoding header on those files to ‘gzip’ as a side effect.

Example xml <fileCompression> <includeRegex>.*</includeRegex> </fileCompression>


Uses the YUI css compiler on anything matching

Example xml <cssCompilation> <includeRegex>.*</includeRegex> </cssCompilation>


Uses the Babel JS compiler on anything matching

Example xml <babelCompilation> <includeRegex>.*\.jsx</includeRegex> </babelCompilation>


Uses the Closure javascript compiler on anything matching. Options for mode are: CLOSURE_WHITESPACE, CLOSURE_BASIC, CLOSURE_ADVANCED

Example xml <javascriptCompilation> <includeRegex>.*\.js</includeRegex> <mode>CLOSURE_WHITESPACE</mode> </javascriptCompilation>


Runs validation on the matching files, throws an error if they fail and prevents upload. Options are JSON, XML

Example xml <validators> <validator> <type>JSON</type> <includeRegex>.*\.json</includeRegex> </validator> </validators>


Excludes matching files from processing and uploading

Example xml <exclusions> <exclusion> <includeRegex>.*WEB-INF.*</includeRegex> </exclusion> </exclusions>


Runs the includes processor (vaguely like server side includes). Include source is always the root (same as source, above)

Example xml <processIncludes> <processInclude> <includeRegex>.*\.html</includeRegex> <prefix><![CDATA[<!--SI:]]></prefix> <suffix><![CDATA[:SI-->]]></suffix> </processInclude> </processIncludes>


Renames any matching files to the new name

Example xml <renameMappings> <renameMapping> <src>r.html</src> <dst>r</dst> </renameMapping> </renameMappings>


Runs the replacement processor. A lot like the includes above, except that the replacement text comes from the tag instead of other files. Maps from a Pattern->String, any content between prefix and suffix that matches the pattern is replaced with the right hand side. Anything that doesn’t match is replaced with blank strings.

Example xml <replacement> <includeRegex>.*\.html</includeRegex> <prefix><![CDATA[<!--SI:]]></prefix> <suffix><![CDATA[:SI-->]]></suffix> <replace> <a>b</a> <b>c</b> </replace> </replacement>


Define the set of files that should have MD5 run on them (the hex encoding of it is put into a amz-metadata, which will match the etag.

Example ```xml .*


Define the set of files that should have HTML compression applied to them. This removes all comments and condenses any multiple spaces between tags to 1 (more configurability later).

Example ```xml .*\.html